The following are websites that you will use through your time here in NUS. You will need to use your NUSNET ID to log in to most these portals to access them.
NUS Mail
This is where the University will disseminate information to you from now on. Make sure to set it up to get your important updates (and unsubscribe from newsletters you don’t want).
EduRec is where you go to for things such as academics related module registration and financial matters.
NUSync is the student life portal, where you will be access information about your CCAs. Your CCA records can also be found here.
NUSMODS is the official portal for module information, reviews and timetable management.
NUS’s official mobile app, where alumni, prospective undergraduate students, current students & staff get access to useful information and services!
Features include:
+ Chope@NUS to reserve study spots
+ Digital Staff/Student Card
+ Unified Calendar for Classes, Exams and more
+ Exam Results
+ UniJobs
+ Resources Library
+ Bus Route on Maps
+ Chatbots
As we are transiting to Canvas from LumiNUS, this platform will contain your module contents in future.
Click here for a complete guide!
Student Life Sharepoint
Valuable information for engineering students procured by the faculty of engineering’s student life department
Pulse Secure (VPN)
It allows you to access platforms only accessible with NUS Campus Wifi.
The latest VPN software login to the nVPN portal.
Manual installation guides and VPN Client software are available on our eGuides page.
Examplify allows you to securely sit examinations on your Mac or Windows desktop or laptop, by
blocking access to files, programs, and the internet during your exam. You may require this software
to sit for examinations.